Samhain Sabbat is the dark twin of Beltane, the end of autumn, which is the end of the season of life and the beginning of winter, the season of death. This is a time when the veil between this world and the other world is thinly stretched.
Samhain is the Sabbat of reflection and magical revival. The purpose of this ritual is to renew the magic of the Spirit in yourself, when the Wheel of Life turns to a magical renewal of all things.
You will need the following to perform this ritual:
- “Wish list” or a symbolization of it
- Charged candle, with “So be it” words engraved on it
- Empty plate to honor the dead
- Crystal ball or some other means of permeation
- Wiccan altar, decorated in dim smoky colors
- Incense
Let’s begin the ritual by saying the following:
From all evil, harm or misfortune”.
Concentrate, and when ready, step into the ritual space. Create a magic circle. Visualize the natural forces, which form a castle moat in a ring of lights. Use the end of your hand, a stick or an athame in order to create this visualization – starting from the west quarter and moving clockwise. Say the following while doing so:
And we begin see,
The open secret of the Wheel”.
Now call upon the quarter while facing the west:
The tears of mourners spilled on the grave,
Bring in this hour
Virtue of compassion.
All that was, should of been.
Welcome the spirit of the sea”.
Light a blue candle.
Call upon the quarter while facing the north:
A green life in the next turn of the wheel,
Bring in this hour
The strength of stability
From death, rebirth,
Welcome the spirit of the earth”.
Light a blue candle.
Call upon the quarter while facing the east:
Before the last breath of death
Is offered at this time
The strength of clarity
An end, from which we start,
Welcome the spirit of the wind”.
Light a yellow candle.
Call upon the quarter while facing the south:
Smoldering charcoal pyre,
Bring in this hour
virtue of purity
Now our losses will be achievements
Welcome the spirit of the flame”.
Light a red candle.
Call the Sun, raising your lead hand and making the sun symbol (the thumb and little finger are wide apart, like horns, while the other fingers are folded under the thumb):
All you were, all you will be again
Bring in this hour
Your magic power.
Your loss of life wins.
Welcome the spirit of the sun”.
Light the gold candle.
Call the Moon, raising your lead hand and making the moon symbol (keep your hand in the form of “C” like the moon crescent):
You were in the beginning of life and will be after,
Bring in this hour
Your mysterious force
Past and future are woven on your machine,
Welcome the spirit of the Moon”.
Light a silver candle.
Summon your Guardian by drawing a pentagram in the center of the sand on a board or simply in the air in front of you while saying:
Light your incense. Complete the circle while sitting or standing (whichever is more comfortable), and say:
Beyond the boundaries of time,
Where pain and pleasure,
Darkness and light
Loss and acquisition,
Death and life
Do not have differences.
Yes, we are blessed”.
Light a candle inside the cauldron.
Open the crystal ball and begin meditating. Visualize a flight, which takes you above the house in the night sky, the edge of the earth’s atmosphere, where the curtain shimmers like the Northern Lights. Unwind this veil with your leading hand, a stick or an athame, making the sign of a pentagram. When the curtain will fall away, look deep into the crystal to see what needs to be found.
Put your “wish list” on the altar, and say:
Light your charged candle, with “So be it” words engraved on it and say:
Let its wax drip on the image of the wish list. Hold the candle and visualize the most complete and detailed desire or wish for as long as the candle burns. Finally, say:
It is time to ground. Feel the excess energy that flows away from your body through your feet, to replenish the energy of the ground beneath you.
Prepare 8 or more apples and cut them in such a way to see the pentagram in the center. Put the apples on the altar, offering one half to each of the four elements, the sun, the moon, the dead, and your spirit.
Drink a bit of juice from the chalice and make an offering to the elements, sun, moon, the dead and your spirit.
Meditate once again between two worlds, go through the veil and let it close on you when you’re safely come back through the atmosphere into the darkness of the night and into your body.
Thank the Guardian. Make the sign of the pentagram with the incense smoke (if it still burns) or simply do it with a gesture in the air. Say the following:
Stay or go as you please.
Hello and goodbye”.
thank the Moon, raising your lead hand and making the moon symbol (keep your hand in the form of “C” like the moon crescent):
Stay or go as you please.
Hello and goodbye”.
Extinguish the silver candle.
Thank the Sun, raising your lead hand and making the sun symbol (the thumb and little finger are wide apart, like horns, while the other fingers are folded under the thumb):
Stay or go as you please.
Hello and goodbye”.
Extinguish the gold candle.
Thank the quarters, extinguishing their candles while thanking them.
From the first breath to the last,
From the fertile land to the cemetery dust,
From waters of the uterus to waters of the grave
Thank you for the blessing of your presence.
Stay or go as you please.
Hello and goodbye, and Blessed Be”.
Release the circle, starting in the south quarter and moving clockwise, by taking the energies using your leading hand, a magic wand or an athame. When you have completed collecting the energy, compress it into a small cluster of golden radiance, from which you started the circle, and absorb it into your body.
In fun we met, in cheer we part,
We shall meet again”.
To complete the ritual, ground yourself one last time: Feel the excess energy that flows away from your body through your feet, to replenish the energy of the ground beneath you.