Two of Wands Tarot Card

0 12 years ago

Two of Wands is a card of choice. The card talks about the need to choose between something or someone. Most often the choice stands between professions or even between life positions. Two of Wands tarot card talks about the necessity to listen to your inner voice when choosing between important spheres of life and making difficult decisions.

If this card happens to appear when practicing divination on business, the Two of Wands says that in order to have success it is vital to have a well-thought-out strategy or tactic, and a real plan of actions.

In relation to the Major Arcana, this card warns that you need to carefully consider all the information, which predicts the card from the Major Arcana. Don’t make fast conclusions and don’t make quick decisions either. Two of Wands is a symbol that a card from the Major Arcana, which appeared in the spread, has a big importance.

Card Symbols

  • Man holding a globe
  • Position between a two staffs
  • Hand holding one of the wands
  • St. Andrew’s cross made of flowers
  • Number 2 and an element

Card Meaning

Symbol of constructive co-operation (high expression). In a low position it means confusion, inability to relate yourself to others, inability to reach an agreement. In a spread this card will indicate a situation where you will be offered some kind of maturity test. How far a man can relate to other people.

The key words for this card are: combination between goals and means, necessity and a desire, strength, courage, ability to take a position. Problems of this card indicate problems of the leader, who must reconcile his ambitions with social reality and the environment.
Additional Card Meanings: Wealth, development of new projects.

Reversed Card Meaning

Anxiety, dependence on others, lack of initiative, loss of confidence, humiliating situation, sudden changes and “surprises” of fate.


Be neutral.


Be prepared, not only in words but in deeds.

Card of the Day

Today you can’t make a decision, can’t speak out or just finally get down with a business. Don’t worry about it. In these days you’re really better to take a neutral position. If you will be required of more, you can express your attitude, but don’t take any responsibilities. It is better to do it tomorrow.

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