Moriah’s Samhain

2 11 years ago

Special thanks to our member Moriah for this lovely contribution!


Days of harvest again is here,
Our second round of Goddess cheer.
Samhain Will close the days of she,
And usher in the days of he.
Death does loom for green and lush,
Soon cooler days to bring cheeks ablush.
Worry ye not of the passing of life,
For death is not furrowed with malice and strife.
It is a time to rest,
and cleanse the soul,
For new life Will come,
As in days of ole.
Thank the Goddess for life and fertility,
And thank the God,
For deaths cleansing ability.
Blessed be.


  1. ramona salas

    it aganist wish.. not in robbery of gift real mtudes,, eggs just fall out cant get life either white black.. passion love.. add 5 nor.. out no ferility is that easter wrong or a solo but dip her like kool-aide. shhhhhhhhh

  2. Linda Bostic

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