This is spell is cast on the Samhain Sabbat in order to get rid of troubles and sorrows of the past year. It should be cast on November 1st, because this month is a time where there’s a thin line between the past and the present, the living and the dead.
For this Wiccan spell, you will need:
- Personal belongings which you don’t need
- Purple candle
- Small box
- Ritual bell
Your personal belongings must embody all of which you’re willing to throw away and leave behind in order to begin a new life. Light a purple candle and place your unwanted belongings inside a box on the first hour of the New Year of November 1st. Seal the box with the candle’s wax. Ring the ritual bell three times and say the following:
“Spirits of this special night,
I wish you no harm,
I pray for the future,
To bloom and shine,
So be it!”
I wish you no harm,
I pray for the future,
To bloom and shine,
So be it!”
Repeat this spell three times, ringing the bell in between. Bury the box on the next day.