The Wiccan Initiation Ritual

3 13 years ago

This ritual can be adapted and used for changing your magical name, adding a name to a coven or adding another name to yourself.

The ritual should be initiated on Imbolc or Litha holidays. To start the initiation ritual, you must first create a Wiccan magic circle. Summon the elements, the Goddess and the God. While standing with hands held up to the sky, say the following:

“Great Goddess and God, I, (your name), summon you! I honor you and know that I am one amongst all things on earth and skies. My family are trees and grass of plains, animals and stones of seas and lands. Fresh waters and deserts, created by you, and so I am in you as you are in me.”

Put your hands down and say the following:

“I summon you to fulfill my request. Allow me to join my nature with all things and let me love life that goes through my Lady and my Lord. I know and accept the witch’s creed: Should there not be sparks of love inside of me, I shall never find them outside, as love and the law of love – is connection. I accept that when honoring the Goddess and God.”

Now kiss your right palm, raise your hand high and say:

“My Goddess and my God, know me, (your name). I stand before you and dedicate myself in your honor. I shall protect this spark inside of me, and will seek your protection for myself. You are my life, the birth of my existence. I accept and will always adhere to the principal of causing no harm to others. So be it!”

Take a cup of wine and carefully pour the wine into the pot, and say:

“As the wine spills from this cup, so my blood will spill from my body if I ever turn my back on the Goddess and God, or hurt the one that lives inside their love. It will be a violation of trust, a rejection of the love of the Gods, and it will break my heart. Through their eternal love, my heart and soul will be cleansed so that I will be able to cross through the cauldron of rebirth to receive their selfless love. So be it!”

Dip your finger in the oil and draw a sun cross using your oiled finger, surrounded by a circle on your forehead. Draw a sign of the pentagram below your heart and then draw a holy triangle on your chest (first on the right and then on the left). You will now need to call for recognition.

Raise your hands up and wide, and say the following:

“As a sign of my rebirth and initiation in magic, I choose a new name for myself. As I learn and practice witchcraft, I am privileged to be called a witch, such will I be known as (name). From this day forth you know my name, Goddess and God, and treat me with this name as part of you both. So be it!”

Lower you hands, meditate on your new journey and your new nature as a Wiccan. Let your feeling exit your body and enter inside the Goddess and the God. Raise your hands and say the following:

“I am blessed by the Goddess and God, by their presence in my initiation! Know that I am your child (your new name), and accept me under your wing!”

Seeing how this ritual is done during Imbolc or Litha, the next stage is for wine and cakes. You can use white bread and strawberry jam, as well as white wine.

Don’t forget to release the Gods and the elements and disband the magic circle.


  1. Creator

    I have to agree with Abby, too long.. Mine is shorter, and to the point.

  2. Pagan Priestess~

    Oh lovely little ritual….especially the part of passing through the cauldron door…thank you and Blessed Be!

  3. ABBY

    i fell like their is a much simpler way.

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