Beltane Tarot Card Spread

0 13 years ago

This is a good tarot spread that will help you realize and use the energy that surrounds you during the Beltane Sabbat. For the following tarot spread you will need both major and minor arcana cards.

Meaning of each position

1,2 – An intersection in the holiday of fires. Your overall condition and how it manifests itself.
3 – The main inner strengths. What is in motion within you?
4 – The main outer strengths. What is in motion beyond you?
5 – The meeting. How these forces and strengths interact with each other, and how do you deal with them and express them.
6,7,8 – Joys and challenges. The main tasks during this time and the problems that arise, with which you will have to cope.
9,10,11 – Best instruments. The skills that you have or may develop to maximize the opportunities of Beltane.
12,13 – End of Beltane. Your general state at the end of Beltane and how it will be expressed.

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